GreenInfo > Invit to participate in the Mayor's Sustainable Energy Task Group


You are invited to participate in the Mayor's Sustainable Energy Task Group, which has as its purpose the identification of policies and strategies to move the City toward a highly efficient and renewable energy building infrastructure.

3pm Tuesday, May 25 at the Common Ground (405 W. 4th St.)

The agenda for this meeting will include:

* updates on current City initiatives.
* the development of a Mayor's Green Business Partners program
* HomeStar standards update
* Survey of largest energy users
* Planning of workshops
* Other updates
* Further brainstorming

Your energy is welcome. Please forward this email to others you know would want to participate.

Buildings consume 60% of US Energy. Cities have a large role in transforming how we use that energy.

May 25, 2010 | Registered CommenterLife On The Plateau