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Entries in Crossville (3)


Solar Trains Planes


On Saturday, Oct. 1, the Cumberland Solar Energy Association is organizing open house tours of over seven homes and businesses in the greater Crossville area.  The tour will start at 10 a.m. with a meeting at the Tennessee Technology Center of Crossville (on Miller Ave) for a short presentation, then attendants will be able to drive around to visit the local solar sites from 11 a.m. through 3 p.m.

Larger self-guided tour pdf


The Crossville Model Railroad Club is celebrating 10 years of existence with an anniversary event Oct. 1 at the Mall. Scheduled from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., there will be a live radio broadcast, hourly prize drawings

City of Crossville Airport Open House and Fly-In, scheduled for Saturday, Oct. 1, from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Admission to the 2011 Airport Open House and Fly-In is free.


Prade of Trees

The Parade of Christmas Trees for the past 30 years can be enjoyed at First National Bank of Tennessee

The Parade of Christmas Trees event is sponsored by the First National Bank of Tennessee. Viewing during regular bank hours in December.

1386 North Main Street, Crossville


Minister's Treehouse - Crossville


Worlds Largest Treehouse near Crossville?

The Minister's Treehouse (Man Inspired By God To Build 80-Room Treehouse)

Horace Burgess’s treehouse may be as close to heaven as a body can get in Cumberland County.


Our visit  A tribute "Patriots Day." 09-11-2004

Crossville, TN is not known for it's skyline, but this tree house appears to be the one of the tallest buildings on the upper Cumberland Plateau.  Standing over five stories high for the main building (8000 sq. ft.).  This does not include the bell tower, that adds another two stories before the steeple starts with the enclosed chimes .

tree house n. : A structure built among the limbs of a tree, usually for recreation. (1)

tree house n : a playhouse built in the branches of a tree (2)

from - http://www.denise.com/treehouse.htm