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Entries in Kayaking (1)


Obed Wild and Scenic River


The Obed Wild and Scenic River Visitor Center, located in downtown Wartburg, Tennessee.  


The Obed Wild and Scenic River sees a variety of weather patterns throughout each year. Spring and Winter are usually the best times to paddle on the river, as increased water levels during those seasons are common. Flooding can occur with several consecutive days of precipitation, however. Summers are generally hot and humid, resulting in lower water levels. Temperatures during the summer can often reach over 90 degrees. Winter water levels are generally navigable, and winter temperatures can drop below 30 degrees. Visitors are advised to wear comfortable clothing for each season and for possible extremes in temperature and climate.

Hiking the trails along the Obed Wild and Scenic River is one of the most enjoyable activities that we have to offer. Several different trails with different lengths and scenery are available.

Rock Climbing
The Obed's sandstone rock faces provide a challenging opportunity for experienced climbers, with several hundred climbing routes spanning through much of the park. Boulder climbing is also available along the Obed.

Canoeing, kayaking and rafting bring many people to the Obed. The river includes three different difficulty classifications (II-IV), making it one of the best whitewater rivers in the eastern United States.

Fishing opportunities are plentiful at the Obed Wild and Scenic River. An assortment of smallmouth bass, bluegills, catfish, and muskie are but a few of the various fish that swim the river.


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